HKP is a local company dedicated to manufacturing firearm accessories and operating an eCommerce platform, with a specific focus on producing premium parts for Heckler & Koch firearms. Recognizing the need to align with contemporary business standards, HKP aims to embark on a modernization journey to enhance its operations, processes, and overall business presence.
Roles & Responsibilities
- User Research (Competitive Analysis, User Surveys, User Interviews, Personas, Journey Maps, Storyboarding)
- Ideation & Wireframing
- Branding (Logo, Fonts, Mood Board)
- Prototyping (Low & High Fidelity)
- User Accessibility Testing
- Information Architecture
Business Requirements
- Revamp the existing eCommerce website design to meet modern-day standards, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that enhances the overall shopping experience for customers.

- Develop a scalable Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section that allows users to easily search and find answers to common questions related to firearm accessories. The FAQ should provide comprehensive information and be structured in a way that facilitates efficient navigation and access to relevant topics.

- Implement a robust and efficient category display system capable of accommodating a large inventory of over 5,000 individual products across more than 100 main categories and 1,000 child-categories. The system should provide intuitive navigation, allowing users to browse and locate products quickly and effectively.

- Redesign the company branding and merchandise to align with the modernized image and vision of HKP. This includes refreshing the logo, typography, and overall visual identity to create a cohesive and contemporary brand presence across various touchpoints.
Through analysis of performance analytics, heatmaps, and initial user acceptance testing (UAT), identified significant issues within the existing eCommerce website. The search function and mobile browsing experience emerged as areas of concern. The website currently presents poor mobile compatibility, particularly when navigating through numerous categories and attributes, resulting in a cumbersome scrolling experience for users. Compounded by the fact that over 63% of HKP's eCommerce traffic originates from mobile devices, this issue poses a critical challenge that must be addressed to enhance user engagement and conversion rates.
Once I discovered what was crippling HKP's user accessibility, I set to work on creating a Branding Guide for the company and centralizing its creative assets. I then redesigned their existing Branding to a sleek, professional style, and using the new Branding Guide, I designed a fashionable and responsive website to accommodate their user base and the sheer amount of products.
Revised Sitemap
Web View Prototype (Non-Commercial View)
Recent Marketing Campaigns
Final Thoughts & Review
As we make steady progress on this project, I couldn't be happier with the accomplishments we have achieved and the impact we have had on the business. Throughout the journey, we have had the opportunity to engage closely with our customers, listening to their needs, and discussing their expectations for the new website. The level of excitement and anticipation we have witnessed during these interactions is truly inspiring and serves as a testament to the value we are bringing to their experience.

Since joining the team, I have had the privilege of overseeing email campaigns that have consistently generated remarkable results. With an average monthly revenue of $300,000 attributed to these campaigns, it is immensely gratifying to see our efforts directly translating into tangible business growth. Moreover, the continuous growth of our subscriber base, with approximately 1,000 new subscribers joining us each week, indicates the strong interest and trust our audience has placed in our brand.

These achievements are not only a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team but also reflect the immense potential of this project. The positive feedback we have received from customers, combined with the encouraging metrics we have observed, reinforce our confidence in the direction we are taking and the value we are delivering to our audience.

As we move forward, I am excited to see the culmination of our efforts and witness the transformative impact the new website will have on our customers' experience and our business as a whole. Together, we are shaping a future that is both engaging and profitable, driven by the meaningful connections we forge with our audience.

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